A complete listing of teams, rosters, schedules, results and other information can be found below.
Lacrosse is not sponsored by the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA). The Ohio girls and boys lacrosse organizations have adopted rules and regulations to compliment OHSAA.
The Ohio High School Lacrosse Association (OHSLA) sponsors a state-wide tournament open to all eligible member teams at the conclusion of each regular season. Champions are crowned in Divisions I and II as well as the Club.
For information about the boys lacrosse officials' organizations in Ohio, the "3rd team" on the field, please click below.
Most of us have been touched in one way or another by cancer. On a voluntary basis, the lacrosse community in Ohio comes together to raise funds for the Stefanie Spielman Fund for Breast Cancer Research. Each year we set aside the week before Mother's Day as laCROSSe OUT CANCER Week.
The following coaching vacancies in Ohio have been submitted. To submit a vacancy, please go to Read More below. New vacancies are posted every Monday and will be listed for 90 days or until the position is filled.
Each year the coaches of member schools in the Ohio High School Lacrosse Association (Boys HS) recommend and vote on to determine the various Player Awards.
Various lacrosse related links from US Lacrosse Chapter sites to youth leagues to lacrosse retailers to professional lacrosse.
The direction of the college lacrosse recruiting process has led to confusion by some, frustration to others and questions for everyone.
For information regarding out-of-season teams and camps for student-athletes in grades 7th through 12th.